From: TILAK CHANDRA <tilak.chandra**At_Symbol_Here**WISC.EDU>
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Webinar tomorrow afternoon: Reshaping Chemical Lab Safety: Creating a Dynamic and Adaptive Safety Environment
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2018 23:39:39 +0000
Reply-To: ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**PRINCETON.EDU>
Message-ID: EF14B21C-60C4-4C07-9D35-4643635B9E50**At_Symbol_Here**
Great job by Ralph and Sammye!
I attended the excellent webinar today and found both the presenters and the coverage of the topic to be Outstanding!!Thank-you Ralph & Sammye for sharing this with us!
Senior Product Developer
UC Risk and Safety Solutions
Skype: russellvernon
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On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 5:04 AM, Stuart, Ralph <Ralph.Stuart**At_Symbol_Here**> wrote:
I thought I would provide a quick heads-up to the list about tomorrow's webinar that Sammye Sigmann and I are doing. There are currently about 1200 people registered to attend. Most ACS webinars have about 50% attendance from the registrants, so the organizers are not going to raise the 1000 person cap on attendance provided by the vendor, but in case the East Coast snow storm or another Act of God leads to more people deciding to attend the webinar than expected, it might be a good idea to log in early tomorrow (log in starts around 1:30 PM Eastern time) to be sure that you get one of the seats in the webinar.
Specific information about the webinar: professional-development/ safety.html?sc=180306_mem_ news_acsmters_safety
Reshaping Chemical Lab Safety: Creating a Dynamic and Adaptive Safety Environment
March 8, 2018 **At_Symbol_Here** 2-3pm ET
In the 21st century, chemistry research is more varied and expansive than ever before, the rules that keep one lab safe will not adequately address the possible risks in others. Rather than having a universal set of rules, a more adaptive system is needed for both academic and industry labs. Join Ralph Stuart, Chemical Hygiene Officer at Keene State College, and Samuella Sigmann, Senior Lecturer at Appalachian State University, as they propose a new way of thinking that builds a dynamic safety system based on your own needs and conditions as well as provides resources on how such programs can be developed.
Register for Free!
- Ralph
Ralph Stuart, CIH, CCHO
Environmental Safety Manager
Keene State College
603 358-2859
For more information about the DCHAS-L e-mail list, contact the Divisional membership chair at membership**At_Symbol_Here**
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