(Note: This post is 7 years old and may contain outdated information.)

From: Samuella Beth Sigmann <sigmannsb**At_Symbol_Here**APPSTATE.EDU>
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] One Pass Water Flooding Incidents
Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2018 16:54:08 -0400
Reply-To: ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**PRINCETON.EDU>
Message-ID: 4a672bef-0930-cdc2-ccfc-960954f28cea**At_Symbol_Here**appstate.edu

Condenser tubing (popping out of a sink) was responsible for our Stockroom "Flood of '06".� The unit was left on in a teaching lab on the 4th floor and by morning it had rained down through our stockroom to collect 2" of water in the first floor classrooms.� Mind you this was flowing over wooden shelving not secured to the floor or ceiling and holding unsegregated chemicals.� Fortunately, the shelving did not fail or the students would have been entering classrooms that morning likely containing a toxic chemical soup.

On the upside, money was magically available for a beautiful stockroom renovation! :-)

I wish that I did have pictures for you, but I was new to the world of chemical management, etc. and did not know to document everything.

On 9/6/2018 3:47 PM, Debbie M. Decker wrote:

Hi All:

I have a couple of hold-outs who insist on using one-pass water in reflux condensers and the like.� The �??California is in constant drought�?? argument gets me nowhere.

So I�??m looking for flooding incidents when the tubing popped off the condenser and flooded the lab or building, etc.� Images would be awesome.




Debbie M. Decker, CCHO, ACS Fellow

Past Chair, Division of Chemical Health and Safety

Councilor and Programming Co-Chair

University of California, Davis




Birkett's hypothesis: "Any chemical reaction

that proceeds smoothly under normal conditions,

can proceed violently in the presence of an idiot."

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We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, for so long, with so little, we are now qualified to do everything with nothing. Teresa Arnold paraphrased from Konstantin Josef Jire�?ek (1854 �?? 1918)

Samuella B. Sigmann, MS, NRCC-CHO

Senior Lecturer/Safety Committee Chair/Director of Stockroom

A. R. Smith Department of Chemistry

Appalachian State University

525 Rivers Street

Boone, NC 28608

Phone: 828 262 2755

Fax: 828 262 6558

Email: sigmannsb**At_Symbol_Here**appstate.edu

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