From: DCHAS Membership Chair <membership**At_Symbol_Here**DCHAS.ORG>
Subject: [DCHAS-L] New ACS Chemical Safety Exam Ready for Field Testing
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2019 08:01:32 -0500
Reply-To: ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**PRINCETON.EDU>
Message-ID: E1A2596E-86BC-494B-8ABE-1051CFFC5D5C**At_Symbol_Here**
New ACS Chemical Safety Exam Ready for Field Testing
The ACS Exams Institute is developing a new, updated standardized Chemical Health and Safety Examination to replace the current one, which was published in 1997. Trial exams will be ready for administration this spring (April 2019), and the Exams Institute is seeking faculty members and participating institutions to field-test the exam(s) in their courses this spring (end of winter/spring term). Statistics from the two trial exams will then be used to select final content (questions) for the updated exam, planned for release in Fall 2019. The quality - and resulting success - of the new exam will thus be heavily dependent on the quality of data obtained from the trial exams.
The most important variable in obtaining good statistics is a large sample size (n). Please consider signing up to participate in testing the trial exams! Exam content is focused on safety principles and concepts that students should have mastered in the first two years of college chemistry. Each trial exam will have 60 multiple choice questions and will require 55-60 minutes to administer.
There are two criteria for the exam: 1) students should have completed at least two years of college chemistry, and 2) students' exam performance should permit allocation of some points toward their final course grades in order to ensure that students take it seriously.
Please contact Irene Cesa, member of the Exam Committee and Chair of Environmental and Lab Safety for the ACS Chicago Section, at irenecesa**At_Symbol_Here** if you are interested in supporting this initiative to promote and advance the importance of safety as a core chemistry value. Irene will forward the names and email addresses of interested faculty members to the chair of the Exam Committee. Thank you in advance for your interest and participation!
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