From: Samuella Beth Sigmann <sigmannsb**At_Symbol_Here**APPSTATE.EDU>
Subject: [DCHAS-L] Looking for Someone who is Interested in Setting up a Safety Symposium or Workshop at SERMACS 2019
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2019 15:54:21 -0400
Reply-To: ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**PRINCETON.EDU>
Message-ID: 918a50f3-9fb0-d5fb-ae07-019fd7cdb492**At_Symbol_Here**
All -
The General Chair of SERMACS 2019 (October 20
- 23, Savannah, GA) is looking to include safety in the
programing.� I am unable to offer a workshop of organize a
symposium due to prior commitments for NSTA.�
To me from Will Lynch - General Chair
Hello from Savannah Georgia - I am the general chair of SERMACS 2019 and am working with Brent Feske who is the program chair of SERMACS 2019 in Savannah to build a robust and broad program for our members this October. SERMACS has a large footprint, generally bringing in 1500-2000 attendees.� �
I wanted to reach out to you to see if you could offer some suggestions or assistance for our meeting as we would like to include Health and Safety into our program.� That might include technical programs and or any available workshops that you might recommend.� So, could you take a few minutes to help us out with some insight below:
1. We are looking for an individual or individuals who might be willing to help organize programming at our meeting, can you recommend someone (or perhaps you might even be willing) in the SE that we can reach out to?2. Do you know individuals who are in the SE who might be good candidates to present at our meeting?3. Does the division or the ACS committee on chemical safety have any workshop activities that have been successful at regional meetings or that you might recommend we try.4. Anything else you can think of to comment on or suggest we think about in building health and safety into our program.Cheers, I really appreciate any time and suggestions you might be able to help us out with.
We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, for so long, with so little, we are now qualified to do everything with nothing. Teresa Arnold paraphrased from Konstantin Josef Jire�?ek (1854 �?? 1918)
Samuella B. Sigmann, MS, NRCC-CHO
Chair, ACS Division of Chemical Health & Safety, 2019
Senior Lecturer/Safety Committee Chair/Director of Stockroom
Appalachian State University
525 Rivers Street
Boone, NC 28608
Phone: 828 262 2755
Fax: 828 262 6558
Email: sigmannsb**At_Symbol_Here**
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