From: DCHAS Membership Chair <membership**At_Symbol_Here**DCHAS.ORG>
Subject: [DCHAS-L] ACS Suggests: Engage your Legislators during August Recess!
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2019 18:51:26 -0400
Reply-To: ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**PRINCETON.EDU>
Message-ID: 37A5BB43-29B9-48C8-8344-7ED99F7C6E15**At_Symbol_Here**
Dear Act4Chemistry Members,
Congress is currently out of session until September 9th which means Senators and Representatives are back home meeting with constituents. Since the beginning of the year, we encouraged you to take action on several issues and we have had some success! The ACS once again requests your help advocating for science by emailing or visiting your lawmakers while they are home and encourage them to act on priorities that support the chemistry enterprise.
The ACS is actively advocating for the following legislation: Combating Sexual Harassment in Science Act of 2019 The House passed their version of this bill, while a similar bill in the Senate hasn't received a hearing yet. The bills call for research to better understand the causes and consequences of sexual harassment in STEM fields. This legislation would establish an interagency working group to coordinate federal science agency efforts to reduce sexual harassment. Please thank your Representatives for passage of H.R. 36 and urge your Senators to support S. 1067. Sustainable Chemistry Research and Development Act of 2019 Legislation to encourage sustainable thinking from start to finish in the chemistry enterprise has been reintroduced in the House and Senate. This legislation creates an interagency panel to coordinate federal sustainable chemistry efforts, supports public-private partnerships, and boosts investment in federal research. The House recently held a legislative hearing on this bill, help us continue to build momentum by urging your legislators to cosponsor H.R. 2051 and S. 999. Support Solar, Wind, and Fossil Energy Research & Development Act of 2019 These three pieces of legislation (H.R. 3597, the Solar Energy Research and Development Act of 2019; H.R. 3607, the Fossil Energy Research and Development Act of 2019; and H.R. 3609, the Wind Energy Research and Development Act of 2019) would support further research and development on new energy technologies, leading to improvements in solar and wind technologies and advances in emissions reduction for fossil fuels. The ACS strongly endorsed Representative Lipinski's amendment to H.R. 3597, calling for the incorporation of sustainable chemistry principles as research and development of solar energy technology continues. The ACS also strongly endorsed Representative Foster's amendment to H.R. 3607, which would prioritize research to improve isolation and separation of helium from fossil fuels. Please contact your Representatives and urge them to vote for H.R. 3597, H.R. 3607, and H.R. 3609 when they come to the floor for a vote. The ACS believes that America's ability to lead in economic and scientific arenas depends on an ecosystem that supports innovation, entrepreneurship, and a well-trained and diverse workforce. ACS strongly supports these pieces of legislation and asks its members to meet or contact their lawmakers in support of the House and Senate bills. We have also attached talking points on these key legislative bills that can help you for your in-person meetings with lawmakers.
For any questions, please email act4chemistry**At_Symbol_Here** Warm regards, Karen Garcia |
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