(Note: This post is 6 years old and may contain outdated information.)

From: Monona Rossol <0000030664c37427-dmarc-request**At_Symbol_Here**LISTS.PRINCETON.EDU>
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Anyone know a good food testing lab?
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2019 14:00:21 +0000
Reply-To: ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**PRINCETON.EDU>
Message-ID: 2012310836.275673.1576591221852**At_Symbol_Here**mail.yahoo.com

Thanks.  Sounds complicated.  Good think I just get paid for building planning, writing, and shooting my mouth off.   Monona

-----Original Message-----
From: James Duncan <jimandjoanneduncan**At_Symbol_Here**GMAIL.COM>
Sent: Mon, Dec 16, 2019 8:08 pm
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Anyone know a good food testing lab?


A couple of items.  Unless a food lab is necessitated, any AIHA accredited lab that has methods for what they want analyzed should suffice.

Cannabis however is different, if they are using CBD sourced from  the hemp (Cannabis stavia) plant they can ship across state lines to a state accredited marijuana lab for analysis, they should include a request for the THC content which should be less than 0.3% for hemp, as well as any terpenes etc. they wish to claim. If however, they are using extracts from Cannabis indica, they will not be able to ship across state lines as there will be greater than 0.3% THC.

Have them look at the marijuana legal states and contact a lab there.

Hope this helps.

Jim Duncan, PhD

On Mon, Dec 16, 2019 at 1:33 PM DCHAS Membership Chair <membership**At_Symbol_Here**dchas.org> wrote:
From: Monona Rossol <actsnyc**At_Symbol_Here**cs.com>
Re: anyone know a good food testing lab?

I get the darnedest inquiries.  I try to help everyone. 

Got one now from someone looking for a lab that can do an analysis for an ingredients list which will be used in beverages in a start-up business. They hired a company called Symrise to do the flavoring and they recommended we find a third party lab to confirm the specific information relating to the ingredients and the nutrition information which they will put on the labels.  The products are Cannabis infused flavored sparkling waters.

I have no clue.  Does anyone out there?   


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