From: "Rakers, Rosemary S." <rrakers**At_Symbol_Here**BEN.EDU>
Subject: [DCHAS-L] chemicals on shelves
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2020 16:49:23 +0000
Reply-To: ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**PRINCETON.EDU>
Message-ID: BYAPR02MB5493E6B91DC96C7073FC79E5A7150**At_Symbol_Here**

Good morning wise ones,


I was recently made CHO at my institution and am still figuring things out. One thing I noticed is that our chemical shelves do not all have lips. I’ve tried looking it up but am having difficulty understanding the requirements. Here are my questions:


1)      Does a shelf that has a door need a lip? (For instance, flammable cabinets and other cabinets with doors.)

2)      I’m assuming all open shelves need lips. How high/tall does that lip need to be? (The shelves in my stockroom have lips of approximately an inch, is that good enough?)

3)      May secondary containers be used as the “lip” or does the lip need to be physically attached to the shelf?

Thank you for whatever guidance you can give me.




Rose Rakers, Ph.D.

Director of Chemical Laboratories & Chemical Hygiene Officer

Benedictine University

5700 College Rd

Lisle, IL 60532



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