From: James Stubbs <james.stubbs**At_Symbol_Here**EHS.UTAH.EDU>
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Yale's Research Continuity Guidance
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2020 22:56:06 +0000
Reply-To: ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**PRINCETON.EDU>
Message-ID: 1d7623aa5e5248c89a97264ef1848d71**At_Symbol_Here**
In-Reply-To <2FF4D38C-95BF-4922-B848-7234399E2697**At_Symbol_Here**>

First I want to say a big Thank You to Pete and others for producing very helpful guidance for ramping down lab operations.  Looking to the future I am wondering if anyone has had the time to start thinking about reversing the process.  At some point (we all hope) this craziness will end and we will need to resume lab operations.  Any thoughts of a similar process for ramping UP lab operations?  I would love to hear any thoughts the collective wisdom of this group may have.




James R. Stubbs

Associate Director

Environmental Health and Safety

University of Utah

125 S Fort Douglas Blvd

Salt Lake City, UT 84113




From: ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**PRINCETON.EDU> On Behalf Of Reinhardt, Peter
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2020 1:40 AM
Subject: [DCHAS-L] Yale's Research Continuity Guidance


I hope some of you find this helpful. Yale is moving all instruction on line for the rest of the semester, and will not resume any laboratory instruction. At this time, we will continue support research labs. We do not intent to curtail research, and have asked investigators to plan for research continuity. (Some research at Yale will directly aid mitigation of the pandemic.) To help researchers, we published an Research Continuity FAQ on Saturday (follow link below), partly based on Stanford's excellent FAQ. Some labs have decided to ramp down their research activities, and a link in the FAQ leads to a lab ramp down checklist, partly based on Harvard's excellent checklist.


Pete Reinhardt, Yale EHS Director


From: "Scott Strobel, Provost" <provost**At_Symbol_Here**>
Reply-To: "Scott Strobel, Provost" <reply-febf1277716c0678-94_HTML-29033119-100015661-1**At_Symbol_Here**>
Date: Saturday, March 14, 2020 at 6:55 PM
To: Peter Reinhardt <peter.reinhardt**At_Symbol_Here**>
Subject: Research Continuity Guidance


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Image removed by sender. Office of the Provost

March 14, 2020

Dear Colleagues,

Please see the updated research continuity plan with detailed guidance in the form of an FAQ.  I encourage you to read this closely.  The guidance will be updated and extended as conditions change and additional information becomes available.

We will do our best to keep our campus infrastructure in place for continuity of research, but there are significant factors that may be outside of our control.  These are enumerated in this document.  We must plan on various possibilities that could cause significant disruption.  

All faculty and lab directors should take the request to develop a research continuity plan seriously.  Consider how the work of your groups can be slowed for the coming weeks and what steps you would follow if the work was placed on hold with short notice.  Encourage staff, students and postdocs in your groups to work from home, whenever feasible.  Provide flexibility for members of your groups.  Encourage and model social distancing and good hygiene.  Absolutely require that if anyone in the group is sick that they do not come to work.  Establish a system by which you, and members of the lab, can check the status of each other.

The planning you do now will support the long-term success of our labs and research groups.  Thank you for carefully following the guidelines found at the COVID-19 Information for Faculty and Researchers site.  


Scott Strobel
Henry Ford II Professor of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry

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