I would refrain from those in a chemistry lab setting, especially if you also have impact and/or flame concerns.
3D printed parts are printed in layers. The ones I've seen thus far, have layer interface flaws that render the interface porous. Thus, they readily absorb low viscosity fluids and gasses. The porosity also makes the interlayers weak and they readily delaminate if force is applied perpendicular to the layers.
In order to overcome the porosity issues, you have to print them in the "correct" orientation for the particular part's function. Sometimes, you can't quite overcome it. I have "sealed" prototype parts by impregnation with anaerobic cyanoacrylate adhesive in order to reinforce them enough to conduct low-force mechanical testing.
Also, the burn ratio is likely to be rather fast since you can't have much in the way of fillers and fire retardants. So, probably not a good idea if you are using flames in your lab.
Thank you,
Yaritza Brinker
-----Original Message-----
From: ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety
Sent: Monday, May 4, 2020 11:12 AM
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Wearing cloth mask in the lab
** External Email **
What about the viability of the face shields that are being 3D printed? Will those be compatible for lab use?
On 04/05/2020, Yaritza Brinker
> I see an issue with people wanting to wear a face mask and forgetting
> that material compatibility still applies. You wouldn‰??t want someone
> working with concentrated sulfuric acid wearing a cotton face mask.
> Or a person working with combustibles wearing a face mask that isn‰??t
> made of fire retardant material.
> Thank you,
> Yaritza Brinker
> 260.827.5402
> From: ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety
> Sent: Monday, May 4, 2020 10:48 AM
> To: DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**PRINCETON.EDU
> Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Wearing cloth mask in the lab
> ** External Email **
> And how will splash goggles interface with face masks so that both are
> effective without one interfering with the other‰??s function?
> Ruth Ann Murphy, Ph.D.
> Professor of Chemistry
> Chairperson, Department of Chemistry, Environmental Science and
> Geology Co-Chairperson, Health Professions Advisory Committee Amy
> LeVesconte Professorship of Chemistry JAMP Faculty Director University
> of Mary Hardin-Baylor
> 900 College Street
> Belton, TX 76513-2599
> Phone 254.295.4542
> Accepting Christ is life's greatest decision; following Christ is
> life's greatest adventure.
> From: ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety
> Yamaira Gonzalez
> Sent: Monday, May 04, 2020 8:32 AM
> To: DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**PRINCETON.EDU
> Subject: [DCHAS-L] Wearing cloth mask in the lab
> EXTERNAL Exercise Caution
> Good morning,
> What is the latest about wearing cloth mask while doing lab work? Does
> anyone know of a good article? Pros and cons.
> Regards, yamy
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on
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> iV8RMGrXvoWW2taV92j3mM1xurRyB2_noz4Ms%26s%3D4uBwixF0R3gTWOGKLmY8lV3PY3
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> 663&sdata=oCHE737AbUjIx1rtrChPGU9c3NWf4%2FKc4CEodpUy8Ys%3D&res
> erved=0>
> On Fri, Apr 24, 2020 at 9:27 AM, Stuart, Ralph
>> In fact, just compiling a list of coronavirus-related issues that
>> should be addressed would be valuable.
> I'll throw one in: An issue I am concerned about in regard to
> reopening any public area is the cloth mask protocol. Cloth masks are
> community health measures rather than personal safety measures, so I
> would be reluctant to impose OSHA style expectations on the use of
> cloth masks by the public. On the other hand, I can imagine that these
> masks are likely to become reservoirs for many contaminants beyond the Covid virus.
> I think that we face a major challenge in maintaining the quality of
> the cloth masks if we ask people to wear them in public areas while
> relying on the wearers to maintain them. I suspect that professional
> laundry services will be required to assure co-workers and the
> community that the masks are being appropriately cleaned.
> A related question is: Are labs public areas? Few academic labs I have
> seen have security protocols that control who enters them and it will
> take a significant change in both protocol and culture in change this situation.
> Thanks for asking an interesting question.
> - Ralph
> Ralph Stuart, CIH, CCHO
> Environmental Safety Manager
> Keene State College
> 603 358-2859
> ralph.stuart**At_Symbol_Here**keene.edu
> ---
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