Mitigate Exposure to 3D Printer Emissions in Schools: View These Learning Modules to Learn How The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has partnered with Chemical Insights, an institute of Underwriters Laboratories, to launch a four-part learning module series to create awareness about the potential health risks associated with 3D printer emissions, including those that affect students and staff in a school environment. These learning modules, available on, walk you through why indoor air quality (IAQ) matters, research on the impact that operating 3D printers has on IAQ, and what you can do to mitigate the unintended consequences associated with this exciting, innovative technology. Complete all four learning modules to expand your knowledge of how to reduce exposure to 3D printer emissions.
Use EPA's IAQ Tools for Schools Action Kit and Framework for Effective School IAQ Management to tailor your IAQ management plans for mitigating 3D printer emissions. Key considerations should include- - Smart Materials Selection: Schools have many options when choosing materials to use in 3D printers. When possible, develop policies to purchase only low-emitting products. Create and maintain an inventory of the purchased products, including information related to storage, emergency response procedures and emergency contact information.
- Aggressive Source Control: One method to reduce 3D printer emissions is to control the pollutant at its source. Implement a plan detailing the use, labeling, storage and disposal of materials that may be hazardous. When possible, conduct these pollutant-releasing activities when the school is unoccupied.
- Quality HVAC: Proper ventilation practices also will help to mitigate exposure to potentially hazardous emissions. Check with your facilities and maintenance department to discuss the frequency of HVAC system inspections and ensure that sufficient outdoor air ventilation is being provided to areas where 3D printers are being used.
- Asthma Management: Many environmental factors, including 3D printer emissions, may cause or exacerbate asthma symptoms. Incorporate asthma management into your IAQ management plan, and outline policies on the use of inhalers and other medication, as well as emergency procedures for asthma attacks.
Join the Asthma Community Network today! is a resource-rich online Network designed for community-based asthma programs and organizations that sponsor them, including representatives from schools. Not a member? Join today to become a part of this interactive Network. Spread the word! Forward this email to a colleague. 
Questions? EPA offers free IAQ Tools for Schools resources-including the School IAQ Assessment Mobile App-to help schools maintain a healthy indoor environment by identifying, correcting and preventing IAQ problems. Learn more about the IAQ Tools for Schoolsguidance and access other valuable school environmental health resources at If you have any questions about the IAQ Tools for Schools guidance, please contact the IAQ Tools for Schools Connector Coordinator at iaqschools**At_Symbol_Here** |