Great question. Thank you to everyone who recommended any new podcasts.
I listen to TWiV and How to Science. Neither is specifically for
safety, but the topic does come up and it helps me to better
understand the lab work going on as it has been a while since I have
been at the bench myself and so much has changed.
Monique Wilhelm
Lab Manager
CAS, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry | The University of Michigan-Flint
303 E. Kearsley St | Room 572 MSB | Flint, MI | 48502-1950
NEW EMAIL ADDRESS: mwilhelm**At_Symbol_Here**
Monique Wilhelm
Lab Manager
CAS, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry | The University of Michigan-Flint
303 E. Kearsley St | Room 572 MSB | Flint, MI | 48502-1950
NEW EMAIL ADDRESS: mwilhelm**At_Symbol_Here**
On Fri, Feb 12, 2021 at 8:11 AM Stuart, Ralph
> > >Does anyone have a lab safety podcast to recommend?
> There‰??s a podcast for pretty much everything these days, so you can find one to suit your tastes. In addition to the Safety of Work podcast, two I follow are:
> Preaccident Investigation Podcast
> and
> Probability Matters
> The first is aimed primarily at people trying to explain organizational safety to upper management on a consulting basis and so Dr. Todd Conklin crams 3 minutes of content into 20 minutes of talking. But there can be some nuggets of gold in those 20 minutes, such as:
> "Trending destroys fidelity‰??
> "The solution for complexity is transparency, not simplicity‰??
> His interviews with other people tend to be good when he lets them do some talking as well.
> The second is aimed at young safety professionals and goes beyond technical safety discussions to address diversity issues, workplace mental health, etc.
> Thanks for asking this question.
> - Ralph
> Ralph Stuart, CIH, CCHO
> Environmental Safety Manager
> Keene State College
> 603 358-2859
> ralph.stuart**At_Symbol_Here**
> ---
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